Service and Mission Opportunities

Join us to make a difference in our community and world


  • Community Garden: Behind our building lives the Walnut Hills Garden of Faith, Food, and Learning, which is a joint venture between our congregation and the Chin Christian Church, a congregation of Burmese refugees who live in the Clive area. Established in 2016, members can choose a plot to garden. For questions, reach out to
  • DMARC (Des Moines Area Religious Council): The mission of DMARC is to work together to meet basic human needs for the greater Des Moines community – and that includes everyone. They strive to provide healthy, culturally appropriate food through our Food Pantry Network and welcome all those who need assistance, no matter their circumstances. Walnut Hills collects food and personal items throughout the year and goes to their facilities to help sort food. Watch the weekly bulletin and worship announcements for more information.
  • Habitat for Humanity: Members often participate in Habitat for Humanity builds in our community. Listen to announcements for more details.
  • CFUM (Children & Family Urban Movement): Members of Walnut Hills UMC provide food and serve 150+ people from the CFUM program at Trinity United Methodist Church in Des Moines on the third Tuesday of each month. Contact Troy Wirtz at
  • Social Justice and Reconciling Team: We provide opportunities for committee members, and the congregation, to seek justice and “do” justice in the metro area and beyond. As the first Methodist Federation for Social Action Justice Seeking Congregation west of the Mississippi River, we find ways to educate and engage our members in climate justice, racial justice, gender justice, economic justice, disability justice, immigrant justice, peace, and inclusion in the United Methodist Church. We have been a Reconciling Congregation for more than a decade, actively seeking the inclusion of all sexual orientations and gender identities in both the policy and practices of the UMC. (We are one of 11 Reconciling Congregations in Iowa.)  We are often the only faith community represented at LGBTQ+ conferences, galas, parades, and other events. The SJ & R team meets monthly. For more information, contact Holly Kooistra at
  • AMOS (A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy): A community organizing network composed of 40 diverse member organizations – churches (including Walnut Hills), synagogues, neighborhood and non-profit organizations – that represent thousands of residents in the Des Moines and Ames communities. AMOS is tackling big issues in our communities, such as children’s mental health, low income housing, juvenile justice and workforce and leadership development. If you are interested in more information, contact Connie McKeen, at, visit their website at or to read more about the WHUMC/AMOS connection click here.


  • Needles of Love: If you can sew or would like to learn to sew (by hand or machine), we need you. If you can cut or iron fabric or tie a knot, your help is needed. If you want to learn these skills, you are welcome. We love to teach anyone who wants to learn so the art of sewing and quilting will flourish. Contact  Phyllis Peterson at
  • Stephen Ministry: Lay members who have been trained as “listeners.” Stephen’s Ministers are called upon to provide support for members experiencing life changing events, working in concert with our pastor. Contact Mel Hollingsworth or the pastor.
    • Ushers/ Greeters
    • Connection Team
    • Coffee and snack providers
    • Acolytes
    • Worship Tech
    • Office Volunteers 

    Please contact the office for more information