
9:30am on Sunday

Here’s what you can expect on Sunday mornings for worship at Walnut Hills:

The service starts at 9:30 with music to help center us. During this centering time, you are free to prepare yourself as you need to, say a prayer, take a deep breath, or mingle with the folks near by and get to know them a little bit better.

The rest of the service looks like this:

We’ll welcome everyone to the service, sing a song, invite children to come forward for a time just for them, say a prayer and the Lord’s prayer, read scripture, hear a message, share offerings and information about things going on around the church and in the community, sing another song, and then be sent out into the week with a blessing and commitment to do all the good we can, in all the ways we can, at all the times we can.

On the first Sunday of each month, and occasionally on other Sundays, we share communion with one another. In the United Methodist Church we believe that the communion table is open to everyone, no matter what. Gluten Free communion is always available for those who need it.