Walnut Hills is a place to call home, so we want to make sure you feel at home with us and with God.At Walnut Hills, we’re committed to being a church that welcomes everyone, and that means you! Here’s some of what you can expect at Walnut Hills:
- All are welcome at Walnut Hills UMC, we are a theologically progressive and inclusive church dedicated to serving others and giving back to the community.
- Sunday worship starts at 9:30 am and is available in-person and online. Feel free to check us out online first. You can find our service livestream every Sunday on Facebook and YouTube.
- We hope everyone wears a name tag on Sunday mornings because few things can make you feel at home than being called your name. We want to get to know you, and we want to make it easy for you to get to know us. We have tablets at our welcome kiosk that will print your name tag. You can register and sign in at the tablets on Sunday morning, or you can sign up in advance at this link.
- If you want, you can text ‘check’ to 515-270-9226 on Sunday mornings and your name tag will be waiting for you when you arrive.
- No matter how you’re dressed on Sunday, you’ll be welcome at Walnut Hills. A lot of us dress casually, some wear their Sunday best.
- Children are always welcome in worship, and we have professional child care provided for children 0-3 years, during worship.
- Sunday school for children and adults meets following worship. There is also a fellowship time after the service with snacks, coffee, tea, and more where you can get to know others around the table.
- Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. In the United Methodist Church, we believe that everyone has a place at the table. No matter what, you are welcome to receive communion.